Freshwater shrimp and fish compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 17, 2003
Birmingham UK
I'm looking for some advice from anyone who has kept the freshwater shrimp Caridina japonica also called the Amano algae eating shrimp. I realise these shrimp are very small and don't want my new additions to become lunch.

I wouldn't like to be responsible for any unnecessary distress due to my ignorance.

I have a poblem with hairy algae :x and have heard that these shrimp eat it (siamese algae eaters are proving too difficult to find) and am keen to manage this algae without resulting to a brutal assalt of chemicals on my tank.

I wonder if anyone knows whether I will have a problem with this shrimp and any of the following species:

Pakistani loach (yoyo loach)
Khuli loach
cardinal tetra
rummy nosed tetra
Otocinclus affinis
Common plecostomus

Thanks in advance
Liz :D
You mainly need to worry about predatory fish, especially puffers. Worry about fish such as angels, cichlids, and large tetras. The japonica shrimp is most notably vulnerable right after it's molting stage where the shell is soft and takes a few days to hard again. Provide spaces for the shrimp to hide during the molting process.
I don't think the fish listed will give you trouble. Much like cdawson said, its the more aggressive guys that would be troublesome, and you don't have any of them. Angels might not have a problem with them, but most cichlids (African ones anyways) have some small amount of shrimp/krill in their natural diets. Puffers just plain eat everything. The larger tetras (Only my favorite Beuros Aires tetras come to mind though) might make a stab at them.

I'd perhaps add larger barbs to the list of fish that might not get along.
Thanks everyone for your responses I really do appreciate it. I hate asking these things in stores as I sometimes get the feeling they'll say anything to sell you their stock.

would clown loaches pose any threat ...
I had heard from another website that large clown loaches nibble at these shrimp but someone else said that their clowns didn't bother with them. So I guess it's all down to personality :) .

I think I shall go ahead and get a couple unless I hear any negative responses. I shall keep you posted as to what happens but it'll be about a week before I'm able to get them anyway.

thanks again I can't tell you how good it is to have a sounding board for these things. I shall probably add another coconut to my tank to provide more shelter for their molting stage.
Liz said:
Thanks everyone for your responses I really do appreciate it. I hate asking these things in stores as I sometimes get the feeling they'll say anything to sell you their stock.

I definately agree. Most don't actually know anything. This is how people end up with plecos in 5 gallon tanks.
Watch your loaches; those are the most likely fish to snack on the shrimp, especially when they are molting. Even with lots of hiding places loaches are sneaky *grin*

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