Fry discovered in 55 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 26, 2012
New Jersey
Ive had my 55 gallon african cichlid tank running for about 4 months. The tank contains alittle under 30 fish. I have a fluval 305, a whisper 30, and a whisper 20. I noticed one of my fish guarding a cve under some wood. I looked in the cave and found babies. The
Mother seems to be doing an awesome just protecting the cave and the fry are really tucked inti thenwood behind the pebbles\sand(i needed a flashlight to see them). Is it likely for the fry to survive without being seperated from my other fish?
Depending on your stock, how many rocks and caves you have and how well the parents protect them all are key factors. Typically, people only get one or two fry survive a batch if left I the main tank.

If you want more to survive the best bet is to set up a small fry tank and transfer the fry over.

Otherwise, make sure during feedings you get some food into their cave so they get some food.

Good luck!
+1 on setting up a small fry tank. Very few will last to adulthood in the main tank.
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