FS/FT Plant trimmings

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 9, 2004
Must have 100posts. Would like to ship Mon 4/3.

You will get at least two stems each of
L. repens "Rubin"
Myriophyllum sp
Hygrophilia polysperma "Ceylon"

>5 Stargrass - H. zosterfolia
>5 L. brevipes
>5 R. rotundifolia
~2"x2" Glosso
~2"x2" Elatine triandra
>5 unknown fastgrower from ringfinger (Anacharis variant?)

$5 including USPS Priority shipping, add $2 for a heatpack. Of course no cost with trade. I want any of the below:

Blyxa japonica
Any Bolbitis
Crypt parva
Crypt pygmaea
Eriocaulon cinerum
Java fern "needle leaf" or "narrow leaf"
Ludwigia arcuata
L. pantanal
Any Tonina

One or two stems is fine. Thanks.
Only 100 posts :) I'm glad you're getting them. Just PM me your address. :)

I have a 20gallon high tank. How much will this variety pack fill up and what kind of requirements are needed? I have DIY CO2 injection, and a 65w CF on the tank. I dose main ferts and trace. Sorry for the questions but thats a lot of plants I've never heard of.

Oh and I have tiger barbs, cherry barbs, some Oto's, and a cory catfish if this makes a difference (just making sure the tigers won't have a feast on the new plants).

I'm almost 100% in on this!


7Enigma said:

I have a 20gallon high tank. How much will this variety pack fill up and what kind of requirements are needed? I have DIY CO2 injection, and a 65w CF on the tank. I dose main ferts and trace. Sorry for the questions but thats a lot of plants I've never heard of.

Oh and I have tiger barbs, cherry barbs, some Oto's, and a cory catfish if this makes a difference (just making sure the tigers won't have a feast on the new plants).

I'm almost 100% in on this!



Don't know why it won't let me edit this post, oh well, I wanted to add, do you happen to have any MTS? My contact on this board who was going to supply some has not returned my messages, and my LFS' do not carry any.

Thanks. I was maybe hoping czcz had some to just throw in with the plants.


I'll take the plants. I'm sure they are in excellent condition, and it would be nice to have a larger variety in my tank than I have now (just java fern and wisteria). I'll send you a PM with my info. If there is only 1 batch of this, consider it taken! :)
He was alredy going to send them to me, but I have no issues spliting them up. You can have some.
BTW sorry, I know the rules, I was suposed to post that awhile ago :)
Sorry Justin, read this thread after replying to your PM. Its just one batch and I've promised it to PsiPro, and would like for him to get a fair shot with everything, but I'll save your PM and send stuff from my next trims. That set of plants will be different than this one, depending on what I'm trimming, but will probably still have Stargrass and R. rotundifolia. If you put together a want list in the meantime, I'll try to help out.

To answer your questions though, portions aren't large and are mostly just trimmings -- enough to propogate, and each of the plants keep teaching me stuff. They'd all grow in your tank and vary in difficulty, with Glosso near the top of the list and L. repens "Rubin" near the bottom. There's nothing I'd call extremely difficult but most are somewhat challenging. High CO2 and good dosing definitely helps all of it, and they serve as good nutrient indicators. All of the plants have been discussed on AA in various threads.

I am pretty sure I still have MTS, but haven't seen any in a while. If you're looking for a good number I'm probably not your guy :) Lets continue via PM.

For others, please wait until the next thread in this forum. I hope you understand.

Just wanted to publicly thank czcz for the plants. They arrived yesterday, all looked to be in good shape, and they are floating in my tank as we speak, waiting to be dealt with when I get home from work today.


Let me know about those MTS. I'm starting to see some brownish colored spots in my substrate, since my tank is pretty new I'm assuming they are diatoms but I'd love to have some snails to get to the places I might be missing.
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