fuge light

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 30, 2005
Richmond, Va.
looking for a good light for my fuge.....I've tried some and I get no growth what so ever. Any ideas would be helpful. Also, I have a little cyano growing in there as well, so I kind of need a light asap. Thanks.
In mine I just use an energy efficient bulb, still grows perfectly well, and with cheaper bulbs I can spend more on equipment. it's on 24/7 as well. The algae has grown so much since I've had it, at least doubled in size within about 2 months.
I'm using a macro gro 25 watt fixture on my fuge, BUT a simple home depot clip on light and a swirly bulb should also work just fine. And cheap too. ;-)
I have an old compact fluorescent light I used on a 2 gallon at one time over my fuge I will probably go with the Jonty's or Carey's idea of the screw in bulb when mine burns out. It is much cheaper to replace.
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