Future tank stocking advice

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 10, 2014
My tanks ammonia is finally settling thanks to many water changes. I am trying to make a nice stock list for my aqueon 36 bowfront with a fluval Aqua clear 70. I plan on starting to add fish in a week. I defiantly want angelfish. After all I get them free. I wanted five, way overstocked, so was going to get two but research showed they would pair up and fight the other fish. After more research, I created this list. After time I will increase my tetra and catfish shoals. My only main concerns are the angel being alone and it living with the gourami. Here is the list.
-5 bleeding heart tetras
-5 Julii or other cory cats
-1 angel fish
-1 pearl or honey gourami(2 if possible)
Aqadvisor says I am 86% stocked. Please leave some suggestions.

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I am returning my petco bought angel for a private bread one that should be healthier.ni also forgot to ask about two Angels.

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Anyone? Just looking to see if this would work

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It's almost been a week. Pickinfish up soon!

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I have the same 36 gallon bowfront and filter. I stocked mine with
-3 Imperial dwarf gourami
-4 Cories
-Whiptail pleco
-2 Bamboo shrimp
-2 bumble bee goby
-6 blue velvet shrimp

Since I regularly maintain my tank I could add in a small school of neon tetra or another type of small schooling fish.

I would suggest getting at least 3 gourami if you do get some. They can be aggressive with each other if there is only 2, if there is 3 or more an order will be formed and less aggressive behavior. However, even with 2 gourami it all depends on the personality of the two, they could be fine with each other.

Hope this helps!
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