Gecko questions

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Usually adult geckos are housed in 12x12x18 tanks, make sure you do allot research before deciding to own a crested, it is very important to check the endolymphatic sacs to ensure that they are getting enough calcium which is often a common thing that is overlooked but could result in bone deformities.
Today I'm going to be picking up everything I need for my new created which I'll probably get tomorrow. This is my list so far...
• 12x12x18 exo terra
• the clay balls to put in the bottom ( idk what they are called, are those a must buy?)
• fake plants and hiding spots and stuff
• mister
• substrate
• crested gecko diet
• humidity gauge
• a small heating pad

Alright I have a few questions...
I live in upper Illinois so it's pretty cold during the winter, will I need the heating pad or no?

I don't plan o getting real plants, do I still need the clay balls?

Will the tank be big enough?

What kind of substrate should I use?

That's all the questions I have for now. Any answers would be great :)
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