German Blue Rams and Bolivian Rams together...?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 7, 2011
I have a 32 Gal with Cardinal/Neon/Rummynose Tetras (8x).
I really want German Blue Rams, Electric Blue Rams and Bolivan Rams.
How many can I fit and with sex, also would they fight?
I would only do one pair maybe a trio of one species. I have a pair of GBR in a 36 gallon and they pretty much own the bottom of the tank.
Could I keep a pair of German Blue Rams, a pair of Bolivian Rams and one female Electric Blue Ram?
it's really advised not to. they will get aggressive during spawning the odd one out will get bullied by both pairs. only an extremely experienced fish keeper that can site aggression a month before it happens should attempt this why not do a trio of rams or a pair of rams? if a trio make it 1 male 2 females
yea it's better in the long run for the fish and you or you could do a pair of cockatoo apistos severum mama has pairs for 24 dollars.
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