getting rid of pests in new live rock

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 23, 2004
San Jose, CA
I want to add some live rock to an established tank. I don't want to add any mantis shrimp or anything else that will go nuclear in my tank. Any ideas on how to lure that stuff out of the live rock and into my garbage disposal? :) I've seen posts about the carbonated water method but that sounds a little too risky for me. Any other ideas?

I used super salted cool water...
Guys come runnin out, do a quick dip and pull it out and have a net or your hand ready to catch the good stuff that comes out like stars etc... But then dip it a few more times... watch for stuff, then keep it under for a minute no more then three and put it in yo tank... I use this method and have lots of luck !
I hope you arn't actually thinking about putting a living animal in your garbage disposal. I am willing to bet you could find someone that would just about anything you find off your hands.
well shrimp on a stick isn't the way to go ... those little crabs are strong. anyone know what a little pink crab that like to eat prawns could be? :)
I'm a little worried that doing anything like that would cause other stuff on the rock (like corals/algae) to die. Other than the one pink crab I haven't seen anything bad ... but ... anyway I'll probably keep watching for a while.

BTW, Roger, yes I do intend to put all this stuff in the garbage disposal. If enough creatures come out then I'll get the grinding out of my system. Won't have to sacrifice any kittens/puppys to the disposal gods this week. [i.e. wanted dead or alive ... Roger's sense of humor]

In reality if I find bad stuff it will most likely die before I find anyone to take it ... although I'm more than willing to ship any mantis shrimp or predatory crabs that I find if someone wants them.
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