Getting tired....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 26, 2011
My people, I've been cycleing this 20 gallon tank, fishless useing ammonia, for close to six weeks,ammonia levels are dropping, but there are no nitrites yet... i have a few live plants walmart assortment growing very well i might say:) I'm about to abort,really i'm doing everything right, so what's wrong where are the nitrits?:ermm: Please need words of encouragement:thanks:
Dont despair yet! What type of ammonia have you been using? Are you dosing it daily to 4ppm? How much is it dropping every day? What is your ph & what is the ph of your tap? Are you using any RO/other water? What are you using as a water conditioner? Have you done any pwcs yet? Have you tested for nitrates yet? What are you using to check your water parameters (strips or liquid)? More information will help us to help you!!
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