Glofish tetra not eating and gasping for air.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 13, 2017
Hello fish keepers! I have a problem, my glofish tetra has not been eating for 2 days and he is gasping for air. I have isolated the fish in a quarantine tank for a day now and he is doing the same thing. Any ideas as to what is the problem? Parameters are good, no ammonia spikes or anything like that. Pictures will follow.
His gills are red, i don't know if this normal because of his color or a problem. Any suggestions would help thanks.
I use seachem Prime. Before I quarantined him his tank mates were doing fine, you think I should dose up on the conditioner?
I can't tell from picture...that his gills are red. But you should know better than us. Red gills make me think of two things first. Bad params and flukes
Parameters are good. Could i treat these parasites with Seachems ParaGuard, it says it eliminates ectoparasites and fungal, bacterial and viral lesions
Im not positive that is the issue.Research for yourself.
It seems like it's a gill issue. Still no eating, still gasping for air.
Im sorry I dont treat fish. But I do know that pristine water is an asset. I know if I think I have a sick fish ill up my frequency and/or percentage. Never hurts.


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