It appears as though I need to add approximately 6tsp of Kent Ca every day in order to hold steady calcium (I'm hovering at 420 right now). My alk doesn't fall as fast nor as dramatically (dose once every 4 days or so).
Does that sound normal? The only thing in there right now is 85# of base, 60# of combo KR & GR from And associated clams and inverts. Also have a cleaning crew of some snails and hermits in there. I'm just surprised to be going through Ca so fast. I do notice that my coraline is looking better (LRs been in the tank for almost 2w so I think it is now recovering from the die off) and that I'm getting a little coraline on one of my base rocks.
Does that sound normal? The only thing in there right now is 85# of base, 60# of combo KR & GR from And associated clams and inverts. Also have a cleaning crew of some snails and hermits in there. I'm just surprised to be going through Ca so fast. I do notice that my coraline is looking better (LRs been in the tank for almost 2w so I think it is now recovering from the die off) and that I'm getting a little coraline on one of my base rocks.