Going through Ca like it's going out of style?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 30, 2004
It appears as though I need to add approximately 6tsp of Kent Ca every day in order to hold steady calcium (I'm hovering at 420 right now). My alk doesn't fall as fast nor as dramatically (dose once every 4 days or so).

Does that sound normal? The only thing in there right now is 85# of base, 60# of combo KR & GR from LR.com And associated clams and inverts. Also have a cleaning crew of some snails and hermits in there. I'm just surprised to be going through Ca so fast. I do notice that my coraline is looking better (LRs been in the tank for almost 2w so I think it is now recovering from the die off) and that I'm getting a little coraline on one of my base rocks.

I can only give so much advice on this topic cause right now im still testing different methods of adding calcium to my tank as well but with my reading on supplements I can tell you one thing Kent's calcium is VERY weak compared to other brands. I would suggest switching to something more powerful such as ESV's B-ionic HTH
That's on my list of things I need to get! I picked up what I could at my LFS because the levels were dropping so fast and I've been frantically trying to keep them up so I haven't ventured on-line yet! Thanks for the reminder!
re: Does this sound normal?...

Sort of...Ca and Alk should both be falling as they are used together. Rather than adding Ca, Ca, Ca, then Alk...you should probably be adding Ca/Alk, Ca/Alk, etc each time.

You may not be seeing the Alk fall as much, but trust me...if your Ca is falling, your Alk should be falling also. They both need replacing, but that doesn't mean you'll use equal parts of the Ca and Alk additives.
You're right, they are both falling. I thought I read that they shouldn't be added at the same time (which may not apply if you're using a balanced like b-ionic, but I'm using Kent Ca and Seachem Alk). Do I need to do one in the am and the other in the eve? Can they be done at the same time? Is there a time of day better for this?

Thanks for your thoughts!
I would figure you could do it at the same time. My B-Ionic jug (damn Costco fixation of buying in bulk :)) says to put in the Alk first, wait for the percipitation to stop, then add the Ca in a high flow area. Morning is best.
Yes... all you need to avoid is having the Ca additive meet the Alk additive without adequate dilution in the tank. Pause for a minute or two before adding the 2nd one and you'll be fine.
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