Gold Barb issues

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 29, 2016
I inherited my late husband's fish tank. It's a 110 gallon. It's been set up for over 2 years. It has 2 Fluval 305's. There are 15 or 16 fish: Gold Barbs, Albino Cory Catfish, some Clown Loaches, Tiger Barbs, and golden algae eaters.

I just lost a Gold Barb. It got bloated and had some sores. Now this Gold Barb has sores. They've been in the tank for almost 2 years. They've been fed frozen blood worms, dry blood worms, shrimp pellets, veggie discs, and flake food the whole time. I was wondering if anyone knows what is wrong. The other fish are healthy. And they are all eating.

I'm trying to send a picture.'

In order to send a picture, you have to upload it to the site, then click "add attachment" and upload it to the thread, i no its kind of confusing, keep trying as i really need a pic to tell you whats wrong.
Or, take a video and upload it to youtube then post me a link.
If you could take the fish out and put it in a clear glass continer, its much better to take videos or pictures of them that way.
My first thoughts are, tho rare, aeromonas or pseudomonas bacteria?
Second thought is, are they getting bloated and then getting dots like this?
There is some strange disease that i had where any new fish would get bloated and die, sometimes with red dots. Others that had the disease would get skinny, emancipated and eventually die.
Tho it mimiced camallanus, there were no worms present, ever.
Several others have came to me with similar symptoms, we never did get it figured out....yet.
Not saying this is what it is, but if they get bloated and some dont eat and get skinny, that could be this. Red dots is a pretty rare symptom not alot of people are gonna have an answer for you.
The one that died did get bloated. This guy isn't bloated but he's not getting skinny either.
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