Gold Fish - Planted Tank Question.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 13, 2003
Planted tanks and gravel are usually not recommended for Gold Fish. However, I have had a planted gold fish tank with Vallisneria, Java Fern and Onion plants for almost 18 months now. The substrate is 2" of gravel.

Here is my question. Can I convert this entirely into a planted tank with SOIL and gravel substrate. My gold fish do dig the gravel and sometimes have even choked on it. Luckily I caught them in the process in time. Now, if I add soil, can the gold fish eat the soil after digging the gravel ? How is this problem solved in nature. I am sure there must be soil in fresh water Gold Fish habitats.


In order to convert you will have to remove everything from the tank. Just adding soil will end up casuing a super mess. You have had luck with your plants so far because your plant choice is fairly unappitizing for goldfish. There is no need to have both soil and gravel, so you might as well remove the gravel and add soil. Once again without the fish present.
So, first I remove everything from this tank. Then I add the following in order:
1. Soil
2. Plants
3. Water
4. Fish back again

Is this correct ?
Yup. It may take awhile for the soil or flourite to settle back into the tank and the water to loose the cloudyness. Make sure to keep everything going back to the tank wet so the bacteria won't die. If you do use soil instead of flourite (the most commonly used substance) make sure to use Schultz's Aquatic soil. I think you can get it from walmart and wet it before putting it in the tank.
If you do use soil instead of flourite (the most commonly used substance) make sure to use Schultz's Aquatic soil.

Schults is not soil, it is a fired-clay pruduct, much like Fluorite. I do highly reccomend it for tanks though.

If actuall soil ( dirt, earth, potting soil) is used, good luck! I got lucky with mine, it is from my yard, has a hight percentage of red clay. I don't know enough about any other soils to say yes or no to them.

Gravel on top, not mixed into soil!
test water!!!
fish back in.
There you go don't trust the name of the product I guess. They should come up with a better name than Aquatic Plant Soil. A little confusing. I have never used it but was just assuming from its name. Good to know.
How much does Schultz's Aquatic soil cost ? Also some suggest using Kitty Litter.

Depends on how you buy it. If you buy it at the BORG it's about $6 for 10 lbs. If you go to a large garden center and ask for Profile it's about $20 for 50 lbs.

I'm not a big fan of kitty litter. It's made to absorb cat piss. It also breaks down into a gooey mess that compacts. I know some people have had good luck with KL but you have to understand that KL is not the same all across the US/Canada. What one person buys in a certain bag in Texas is not the same thing that you will get in the same bag is BC.
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