Goldfish acting abnormally

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 28, 2005
North Florida
I have a 55 gal tank housing 3 mature Goldies (each approx 12” long), and 2 mature Pleco’s (each approx 6”). Just recently the Goldies have started to ‘flash’, rub against the decorations in the tank, and jump into the canopy. In between these bursts of activity they’re sluggish, although their appetite hasn’t been affected.

The parameters are normal in the tank, nor has anything new been added. Any idea what could be causing this? Could it be Ich? I’ve been treating Ich in my cichlid tank. Could Ich be transferred by the gravel vac? The Cichlid tank gets cleaned on Saturdays.

If the gravel vac were not rinsed in hot water and dried between tanks, it certainly could transfer ich, yes.....any other signs of it?
Sure sounds like ich .... In big goldies, you might not see the spots (esp in calicos, the many colours hides the spots pretty well). I would be treating them (I personally use salt) .... much better to treat early.

Ich can't survive without water. To prevent cross contamination of tanks, it is best to dry everything in between use. Rinsing with hot (boiling) water or brine are other ways to sterilize things.
Thanks guys, it's always great to have your suspicions confirmed as plausible(it makes you feel a little less paranoid.)

The vac I use is a 25 ft Python that I air dry between cleanings. SOunds like I should start sterilizing it between tanks as well.
I got home and took a look at my guys and I can definitely see burst capillaries in their fins and tails. I bought some Maracyn 2 and I'm treating them for Septicemia.
the plecos could be sucking the slime coat off of the goldies, it happens alot especially with common plecos, watch the tank and see if the plecos like to go for rides on the sides of the goldies
Your goldies are big enough to be treated with antibiotic food .... This works much better than just having the antibiotics in the water.

You can buy the stuff (eg Romet, or antibiotic gels - look for erythromycin <which is maracyn 2>. PS - don't bother with tetracyclines - goldies sepsis is mostly resistent to that.) --- or make your own - make a strong solution of your Maracyn 2 & soak some pellets in it & feed the goldies the pellets.

I would still be suspicious of ich ---- as septecemia usually follows some sort of wound (ich spots being little open sores). It is possible they cut themselves on rocks while flashing also. Pleco sucking on the goldies is a bit of a long shot if you have not noticed any major sores <or the pleco actually attached to the golds - check after lights out>.
I stand corrected then ..... <One reason I HATE drug trade names - esp. when they are alike.>.

At any rate, the recommendation for sepsis in goldies according to koivet & others is Erythromycin, and not tetracycline.
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