Goldfish Connection

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 6, 2013
Does anyone know why Rick has sold out? What is the best Goldfish pellet other than Pro-Gold and what substitute is there for Medi-Gold for my Telescope.

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I wish I knew for sure but I can only speculate that perhaps with Ken Fisher moving to an independent business maybe being a factor? I honestly do not know though and GC closing shop may be for completely different reasons.

I love MediGold and MetroMeds (as do so many other goldie owners) and there honestly is not any reasonable substitute on the market for MediGold or MetroMeds. I fear we are going to be facing making medicated food ourselves.... AngelsPlus does have similar medicated foods but its all flake food. Perhaps they will add a sinking pellet with goldfish appeal to their line?
What type of business did Ken move too? One can only hope that the they have sold the patents to those amazing products.

I was just so surprised. I went to order Medi-Gold for Poppy, my large Telescope. He has unilateral Popeye but is otherwise extremely healthy. There is a minimal amount of cloudiness on top of the swelling so I needed their Medi-Gold. The sad part is that they never listed the antibiotics in their medicated food. It is amazing though, so I can only guess that they used, 3 strong broad spectrum antibiotics that cover an immense spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Since it had to be an injury on a large decoration that I have since removed and I wasn't able to get the Medi-Gold, I started with antifungal treatment with methaline blue for 5 days. It will be completed on Sunday. I ordered Kanaplex to add too his food and a garlic additive for palatibility. The order shouldn't reach me til Wednesday or Thursday which should give him a few days off. When that regimen is complete I will give him an Epsom salt bath for a few weeks. After that, I plan to move him back to his tank and do a Prazi treatment for everyone.

At this time, the injury may have caused it but I need to nip any bacterial, fungal or parasitic infection in the butt. His buddies are all exceptionally healthy as is he. I am just trying to make sure that he doesn't loose his sight. I know the swelling may take months to go down. The bubbling of the cornea looks moderate but being a Telescope the worst swelling did look to be around the eye and I found a red line in the tissue which may be the original injury.

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I actually got an email from the GC maybe 6 months ago, saying they were going out of business. Rick Hess is the owner of the GC. Ken Fisher ran the auction, fish importing/care and everything related to the fish aspect of the GC's wonderful live auctions every week. I don't know what happened but Ken split from the GC and that was the end of their fish/live auctions. Ken started his own live auction site (Dandy Orandas) maybe a year or so ago. My speculation is that the end of the live auctions on GC was a big blow and that perhaps fueled what is happening now? Just a guess on my part....

It sounds like your telescope is getting the best of care and I have no doubt will heal quickly! If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to ask and we will try to help! :)
Thank you JLK. He is a beautiful Telescope and my fish mean the world to me.

My other 2 sight impaired fish got moved to their own planted 55 and are very healthy and starting to grow more quickly now that they are getting their fair share of food. Midge, the little Lionhead has a lot of growing to do but his wen is developing very nicely.

Bubbles is the GBD Ryunkin with exophathalamus. He has definitely grown and his finnage just keeps getting more beautiful. They are both extremely happy fish.

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Tank 120, we have two very large goldfish in a 40 gal tank and one has this horrible growth on her side...Im sure it is going to kill her but she's survived 5 years so there any way to remove the growth?...rubber band it? so to speak, without freaking the heck out of her? Tank is healthy, ph, amonia, etc. Other fish is also over 7" and totally healthy, no other fish in the tank. What can be done to stop the growth?if anything.

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