goldfish swim bladder issues with unknown cause? PLEASE HELP

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2017

i’m new here, but i’ve been raising goldfish for eight years now. recently, my last remaining fish has gotten sick. i usually know what to do, but i’ve tried everything and he isn’t getting better. i was hoping someone else would know what to do.

20 gallon tank, one fish (6inch comet goldfish, eight years old). have a bubbler and a filter system. regularly change the water every week or two. have been feeding him flakes his whole life (which i know i shouldn’t do). nitrites/nitrates/ammonia levels are all normal. have treated with API stress zyme bacteria, stress coat, ammo-lock, and melafix. introduced a new goldfish that i rescued from an overcrowded school science tank a few months ago, but that fish died very suddenly a few weeks in. worried that one may have brought in something?

did a 50% water change as soon as i noticed him acting weird. got back from a five day vacation to find him darting around the tank and having some mild swim bladder issues. fasted him for three days, then tried to feed him mushed peas. he wouldn’t eat them. his condition got worse and he ended up on his side at the bottom of the tank having issues swimming. started treating him with melafix doses every day. he seemed to get better a few days ago, he was back up and swimming around like nothing had happened. that didn’t last, and he’s been stuck at the surface of the tank now for two days. he can’t swim down at all and is often just floating on his side. has refused every type of food i’ve offered (flakes, pellets, and peas). spits out anything that’s hand fed too. as far as i know, he hasn’t eaten in over a week now (unless he had a pea or two that i left in there, i didn’t count how many went in at the beginning).

i really don’t know what’s going on. he’s not overfed and never has been, and i’m not seeing any outward signs of disease. he’s got some fin ripping, but no cloudiness and decay that usually comes with fin rot. think it’s mostly from banging around when his swim bladder was at its worst. i’m getting worried that he won’t make it. im very attached to him and have been hand raising him since i was 10 years old. definitely don’t want to lose him.

any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Would you have all water chemistry readings and test kit used.

It could have been a mini-cycle from the new fish and unfortunately by the time you test, the damage is done.

Also unfortunately the tank is too small that you have with that size fish so parameters could go very quickly.

Hope your fish has improved.
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