Goldfish with FW Fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 9, 2004
Wichita, KS
Maybe someone can clean up an arguement that I am having with a co-worker. She swears that a black moore and other FW fish (lets use my danios zebras for example) will live happly in a tank. I told her that the its possible but the goldfish gives off amonia and it would kill the FW fish. Whose right? Thanks
All fish give off ammonia. A goldfish and tropical fish can live in the same tanks fine, granted the temperature isn't way up there (goldies can't tolerate real high temps) or there isn't anything in the tank that nips fins. This isn't recommended at all because it's not really ideal tank conditions for the goldfish, however.

I have a big black moor in my tropical tank now. Long story on how I got him...but he has been happy and healthy and prospering for over a year.

Read up on the nitrogen cycle (there is an article on it here on the site) and it will clear you up on the ammonia bit a little.

Good luck.'s the thing...with adequate filtration and water volume, ammonia may not be an issue. Goldfish are FW fish, just not tropical freshwater.

What are issues are these:

1) dietary requirements...not the same. Its important that each be met separately.
2) temp requirements, also not the same. The reason GF are coldwater fish is because they are heavy ammonia producers...ammonia is less toxic in colder water, since the colder the temps (as well as the lower the PH) the more ammonia exits as ammonium (relatively non-toxic). Warmer temps also speed up fish's metabolism, requiring more frequent feedings, thus increasing waste/ammonia production...(nasty cycle)
3) disease immunity...coldwater fish are inherently prone to tropical diseases. They have no immunity to some diseases, since in nature they would never be exposed to them. Vice versa goes for tropical fish in a coldwater tank.
I have a goldfish that started out tiny , that i won from the county fair, hes now my 2nd largest fish in my tank, and the tank is workin perfect
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