Good 16" T5 Ho Fixtures?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
I'm planning on upgrading my betta tanks to 5.5 gallons and I need a good 16" t5ho fixture. Does anyone have any suggestions? :thanks:
Yea your not gonna find a T5 that size. The one Justin recommended will work fine. Also I think marineland has one that will fit.
I'm not using co2 and I'm only going to have low light plants so the lighting can't be too strong.
Yes, that could work as well, especially if you just need low light.
You won't get a lot of compact growth with dwarf hair grass in low light. It will keep it alive though.
For dwarf hair grass? If you want compact growth you need to go higher light and will probably get into CO2 injection and fertilization.

Like I said, you an keep it alive in low light, but to thrive it needs medium to high light.
The problem is the tank will be going on my desk so there's really no room to put a co2 system there. I might be able to set up one of those yeast sugar things. I'll have to see what I can do. The space is really tight though so it'd be difficult.
Yup... both threads I linked are examples of no co2.

The first linked thread has a post from the OP that says:
Well it's a low tech tank with no dosing or co2, so growth rates have been pretty much as expected, nice and slow. Things are growing slightly faster than the previous fixture, though. Also one big difference is the growth is more compact and dense. My stargrass would reach to the top of my tank within a week and a half before, with large distances between nodes. Now it grows fairly compact and the leaves are broader and longer. Obviously getting much more light.

And in the second linked thread, the OP is quoted as saying...
No plans at all for CO2 or excel. Parva is doing well it just grows SO slow..

Although... I still think the addition of some ferts, excel and/or co2 (albeit DIY) would improve growth to some degree...
i think I'll use excel to help with growth. I'll definitely go with that fixture then, it sounds perfect. Thanks everyone!
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