Good deal?

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I think it's a good deal! Since he's moving and can't take it with him you can sometimes take advantage of that since they're usually trying desperately to get rid of it. You may be able to get it even cheaper :) ask if they're willing to go 100 and just see?
I think it's a good deal! Since he's moving and can't take it with him you can sometimes take advantage of that since they're usually trying desperately to get rid of it. You may be able to get it even cheaper :) ask if they're willing to go 100 and just see?

He said he is at $130 firm. Im just thinking its going to cost around $300 to get a light (marineland doublebright LED), filter (fluval 306), heater, and substrate (black diamond blasting sand).
Still sounds like a good deal. the canopy and stand alone would cost you more than that if you were buying it new.
Sounds good,but how soon do you need/want it? I swear anytime I buy a tank off craigslist a better deal comes along in the next few weeks ! Maybe that's just my luck though...
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