gourami and other fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2017
north east Ma
stocking 55 tank . need advise

55 with A C 50 x2 filters plus corner and air circle . looking for colorful easy to care for hardy fish for all levels plus need quantity recommendations
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I like pearl gourami, they are lovely and peaceful and get about 5 inches. Their downside is they are slow moving fish and don't care for zippy fish. I have Cardinal tetras with mine and bottom fish.
Sounds like some angelfish might make a good fit for your tank. In a tank your size you *might* be able to stock maybe 3-5 (dont base yuur decision off my statement, please google it). Another option would be dwarf gourami, great looking things, however you will a little bit of territory for each fish so in a planted tank you mihht be able to get 5. Also some harlequin rasboras look great in schools and school tightly in bigger tanks
of course gourami catch the eye because of the color / beauty of them but I don't want fish killing one another just for giggles . with that said a little and I mean little aggression would be ok . what I want is a community tank with top dwellers , middle dwellers and some bottom dwellers . good color , nice movement , compatibility ease of care and most of all hardy ( do not want to make this my 3rd job with finicky brittle hard to care for fish ) I personally wouldn't mind a wet pet but wife wants a lot of smaller / schooling / shoaling fish with a couple med sized . I know hard order please give me your recommendations
Harlequin rasboras are a great looking small fish that school together very tightly, for bottom dwellers corydoras are a nice schooling bottom feeder, if you want a few different school, other tetras such a penguin (hockey stick) tetras also school well.
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