Gourami issue

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 22, 2004
Houston, TX
I just noticed one of our gourami's is missing most of one of his long lower antennae. It wasn't missing before. I'm wondering if our opaline did it to him. Looks like his top fin has a little bit missing too. They chase each other from time to time, but never saw that happen before. They've been together for a couple months.

Will the gourami's antenna grow back eventually?
it is likely that your other gourami has attacked it. usually when they are not being watched. that is because the fact that when you are present the fish has greater interest in you rather that the other fish. the Opaline Gourami tends to be on the aggressive side, and will take over the tank. try adding hiding places and obstacles to prevent the opaline from chasing your fish all the time.
The "feeler" fin will grow back, but it takes a very long while. Some Melafix will assist with the fin damage. The problem is likely to continue, however.
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