greedy betta advice

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 2, 2011
Hi, I have my male betta in a community tank & he's become very greedy to the point he's swollen, I,ve been thinking of putting him in his own tank so I can monitor him but he's lovely to watch in my bigger tank. Any advice would be great.
so you mean he is eating most of the food and getting fat? what are you feeding your fish? bettas LOVE bloodworms and brineshrimp and will devour as much of them as they can. so if this is the case you can keep a small plastic cup with lid (like the one he came in at the pet store) and at feeding time catch him in there and put the lid on leaving some air in there so he can breath and leave it floating in the tank and when the rest of the fish have had their share release him so he can gobble up the rest. not sure this is the best way but my friend seems to have had success with this meathod. otherwise probably have to grab him his own little tank
He eats all the live food I put in for my elephant nose fish, don't have a cup to put him in, thought about separating him the only thing I have is a jug, he does have his own tank but he gets on fine with all my other fish & I prefer him in the larger tank. He does get his own food but he's just greedy & can't resist the live bait!
Sorry meant to say he's not fat, he just gets bloated it does go down but it can get pretty big!
Ya bettas will devour live food like its their last meal if you cant find a clear plastic cup with a lid check the dollar store maybe, how big is your tank? I seen most pet stores selling those screen tank dividers for pretty cheap if you dont have a larger tank. you could put that in at live feeding time then remove. Basically find some way to seperate him when feeding that wont stress him out or put him in his own tank.
The tank is 55 gallon so he's in his glory in there! He does have his own 2 gallon but it seems a shame to take him out, his belly is back down at the moment. I,ll try & find something to put him in before feeding tonight. Thanks
Can't you get one of those , I forget what they are called, they look like a box with a net around it for Fish Fry?

This way you can just net him and put in there and he is still in the tank and you can live feed your other fish?
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