green seaweed

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2003
Winnipeg, Manitoba
i went to the lfs today and boughta package of julian sprungs sea veggies green seaweed(porphyra yezoensis)
is this going too be a good diet for my fish, mostly my yellow tang and coral beauty? and how often would i feed this, every day?
The tang will want to graze everyday, the angel may eat it or some of it, but angels prefer meatier foods as a staple, like spnge and zooplankton.
my yellow tang only eat the seaweed and nothing else...try to feed him flakes and frozen shrimp and formula and also fresh shrimp but he wont eat it at all.
I alternate between Sea Veggies and Nori. They seem to like the Sea Veggies better, but it breaks apart easier and makes a mess in the tank. Even my bursa trigger likes the Sea Veggies. For the trigger and other fish I feed "blender mush" daily and I drop some pieces of raw seafood whenever I cook it (a couple times a week).
The Sea Veggies goes over very well with my tang and some of my other occupants. I use the green and the red label. There may be more added nutrition (I'd have to check the packaging to be sure) than the nori alone.
my tang eats everything i put in there except flakes he eats dried sea weed dried alge and frozen mysis shrimp also frozen ocean nutrition frozen formula 2 and on formula 1 pellets he is a pig but my auriga eats nothing i dont know what to give him
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