green tiger barbs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 3, 2012
I hope I did not make a mistake. I was told green tiger barbs are less aggressive than regular tiger barbs. SO FAR they have left my angel fish and gourmais alone. Are green tiger barbs less aggressive than tiger barbs?
How many green tiger barbs are in the school? The more, the less likely they may be to nip other fish. BUT your still playing with fire, IMO, it's just a ticking time bomb.
How many green tiger barbs are in the school? The more, the less likely they may be to nip other fish. BUT your still playing with fire, IMO, it's just a ticking time bomb.

4 tiger barbs
Tetra1990 said:
How many green tiger barbs are in the school? The more, the less likely they may be to nip other fish. BUT your still playing with fire, IMO, it's just a ticking time bomb.

I agree I would take them out but that's just my opinion.
Because every time at least I have had tigers if you have at least 7 they are to busy nipping eacother than worrying about the hours is or angels I have successfully kept them with both
People at the pet store were saying the green tiger barbs would be fine. In their words "they are passive compared to the regular tigers barbs"
Well that really isn't true just a color morph of regular tiger barbs
Okay that's good then I'm just saying they can and probably will be as aggressive as regular tiger barbs
I do have live plants and hiding places for any fish in the aquarium. BTW it's a 29 gallon tank
Oh boy! It will be an interesting learning experiance than!
bdp242 said:
thats the first time I've heard about something like that! How much do they usually cost?

15 dollars at Petsmart (at least the one i got).. And just make sure to clean both sides when your changing water. It lets water move through the divider, but it's still good to get both sides cleaned. I just set one up in my tank, because my M. Estherae was picking on my blood parrots. Anyways, for the one I got it was labeled 29- 55 gallons (and my tank's a 29 gallon). You just cut it to the height or weidth of ur tank depending on what you want.

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