Green Water Problem

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 22, 2003
Washington State,USA
I am battling a mild case of green water. Parameters are o.k on nitrates and ph and phosphates. Been doing some 10- 20% water changes every three days or so. Is there another step short of diatomaceous powder in a Magnum 350 which might "cure" this. I've backed off the light a couple of hours too, but I don't want to back it off too much as I've got some Alternantera Reineckii and a few other plants that like high lite started in there now. Would a HOT Magnum work? TIA
Thanks CC. Guess I'll have to order one. You just use the micron filter that comes with it, right? It submerges in the tank, so no powder? TIA :)
Green water

From time to time I experience this problem in one or more of my 55 gallon tanks. I also find that light changes and water changes do'nt always, actually almost never have an effect on this condition. My cure is to do the water changes but then I add a flockulant Kents makes an excellent one as does Accu-Clear by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. These chemicals cause the algea to clump together so that they can be filtered out. When using these chemicals it is important to follow the directions as to amounts used or fish lose will occur also start off with a clear filter and it may be necessary to clean it again in 24 to 48 hours. This method is 100% effective for me and results in crystal clear water. Some clearing aids I've tried have no effect the ones I named are 2 that work consistently for me. In short change water, add chemical, and filter filter filter. Hope this helps.
Thanks, I may try this instead. My XP2 has a polishing pad. Does anyone know if the HOT magnum's micron filter is much smaller than Rena's polishing pad. Thats my only reservation on purchasing one, if what I have is achieving the same result.
TIA for any help!!
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