Green water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 30, 2017
Have two tanks, one 29 gallon live planted tank with Rasboras, Golden Barbs, and white clouds. It's doing great

The other one, a 45 gallon with only Tetras in my fiancés house. Have had ongoing green cloudy water problems to varying degrees for at least 9 months. Only have 10 neon tetras, 4 Serpae, 1 Hockey stick, and one Lemon
I put a green jelling machine in 48 hours ago and still no success. About ready to give up as it's not fun anymore

Any suggestions or thoughts regarding chronic green cloudy water are appreciated
when this problem happened to me it was extremely frustrating so I completely understand what you are going through but don't give up

what I did was put my fish in some tank water in a bucket and do a %100 water change I know it sounds like a lot of effort but it paid off for me

also just let your filter media soak in some aquarium water
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Thank you for your nice post. I greatly appreciate it. Fortunately the UV light kicked in after 72 hours and now the water is much clearer and my wife and I can get back to enjoying the calming effects of watching the fish swim around.

Keeping an aquarium has taught me the power of patience and persistence
Thanks again
Thank you for your nice post. I greatly appreciate it. Fortunately the UV light kicked in after 72 hours and now the water is much clearer and my wife and I can get back to enjoying the calming effects of watching the fish swim around.

Keeping an aquarium has taught me the power of patience and persistence
Thanks again

It is a long time of learning patience with fish tanks!!!

Glad that the UV is working. What is causing the original problem is something you should find out though.

Try more frequent and/or larger % partial water changes (pwc).

What kind of fish food are you using, flake food frequently contributes to green water problems???

What is your filter rated for circulating gallons of water per hour?
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