Have two tanks, one 29 gallon live planted tank with Rasboras, Golden Barbs, and white clouds. It's doing great
The other one, a 45 gallon with only Tetras in my fiancés house. Have had ongoing green cloudy water problems to varying degrees for at least 9 months. Only have 10 neon tetras, 4 Serpae, 1 Hockey stick, and one Lemon
I put a green jelling machine in 48 hours ago and still no success. About ready to give up as it's not fun anymore
Any suggestions or thoughts regarding chronic green cloudy water are appreciated
The other one, a 45 gallon with only Tetras in my fiancés house. Have had ongoing green cloudy water problems to varying degrees for at least 9 months. Only have 10 neon tetras, 4 Serpae, 1 Hockey stick, and one Lemon
I put a green jelling machine in 48 hours ago and still no success. About ready to give up as it's not fun anymore
Any suggestions or thoughts regarding chronic green cloudy water are appreciated