Guppy Help

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Another question: My guppy doesn't eat and is just staying really close to the top and not really doing anything. Help?
Nothing? Is anyone going to help? Please. Now he is on the bottom of the tank doing almost nothing.
Post a couple pics of your fish. Mine won't eat and stays by the top in one spot when she's ready to have babies.
Oops just read its a he. Not pregnant then. Sorry. Maybe post some pics so we can see him.
Can't post pics but right now my guppy is sitting in the back of the tank on the ground. My platy is fine.
How long ago did you get him? From my experience and what I've read (correct me if I'm wrong) but guppies are pretty hardy fishies. Does he look bloated? Have any spots on him?
He swims now but he is slightly purple now. I don't remember him purple before. Weird
Also, are his fins turning purple or his body? If its his fins could be fin rot.
I think so. Do you have any idea why he is a bit purple?
Where did you get him from? If it was a chain store it could likely be his natural coloring and their bad water quality diminished the color.
From Petsmart. If its the right angle he is a bit purple. I like the purple. Before he was orangey red.
I read somewhere that if only the fins are turning purple its most likely fin rot. But I've never experienced it so not 100% sure
He is not much purple. Only at certain angles does he look purple.
Any other help? I went to the pet store today and so a fish that looked like my guppy and it had some purple so maybe its the natural color.
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