Half of fish dying???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 12, 2019
Recently I did a large 70% water change and now 3/7 of my fish are laying on the bottom, not eating, and acting sick. My water chemistry is fine, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 5ppm nitrates. Why are they acting like this and how can I help them?
Did you change the water as a result of something, like ich? It might have been too great a change for your fish.
I changed it due to a green medication I used to treat my one fish’s fungal infection. I did it to get the green out. Is it possible that the fish recover or is it too late?
Fungal infections on fish often times are secondary infections. The primary infection was likely bacterial. The fungus feeds on the dead tissue caused by the bacteria.
The best way to deal with this is to remove the obviously infected fish asap. Treat them with antibiotics in a QT tank or euthanize.
Fungal infections on fish often times are secondary infections. The primary infection was likely bacterial. The fungus feeds on the dead tissue caused by the bacteria.

The best way to deal with this is to remove the obviously infected fish asap. Treat them with antibiotics in a QT tank or euthanize.

I treated my fish and the infection went away. The treatment was successful. I did a large water change to remove the green tint from the medication, and now my fish are acting acting all sick and stuff. Medicate again potentially?
If they're displaying symptoms of a disease, treat accordingly. If not, I wouldn't medicate again. Which types of fish are they? If they can handle aq salt, I would add some of that or a slime coat conditioner to help with stress. Did you use a conditioner when you changed the water? It could be a result of chlorine that they're acting sick.
If they're displaying symptoms of a disease, treat accordingly. If not, I wouldn't medicate again. Which types of fish are they? If they can handle aq salt, I would add some of that or a slime coat conditioner to help with stress. Did you use a conditioner when you changed the water? It could be a result of chlorine that they're acting sick.

They don’t appear sick. Just some laying on the bottom all sad and stuff. They are mollies, platys, and 1 dwarf gourami. And yes I did add slime coat with the new water. My water doesn’t have chlorine anyways and is well water. (PH of 7.4)
Are they any better today? They might recover naturally, but I don't know of any medication that would help them. Next time you do a water change, probably just change like normal and avoid any more large changes for the time being. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Are they any better today? They might recover naturally, but I don't know of any medication that would help them. Next time you do a water change, probably just change like normal and avoid any more large changes for the time being. Sorry I can't be of more help.

So far out of the 4 that seemed to be stressed and affected, 2 died, and one recovered and is eating and acting normal. (Hanging at surface like mollies do, etc). One little fighter (the sickest and longest sick one) is still hanging on. Don’t think he will make it but I’m not giving up yet. But yeah...not doing any huge changes like that again...

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