Hardy Water Lilies, shipped from 21502

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 29, 2006
Cumberland, MD
We drained the backyard pond Labor Day, and after several years of neglect separated and broke down some of the monster clumps that had grown together (like this one):

More pics, most of flowers, are here: Pond pics pictures by toddnbecka - Photobucket
Unfortunately, there was no way to tell which plants produced which color flowers, though the biggest one was white. For $5 each + shipping you can try your luck with a chunk of rhizome. I can ship them with or w/out roots and leaves attached, won't make a big difference to the plants either way. The chunks are large enough to bloom next year. Best planted in a plastic basket or pot filled with clay, they'll be fine in the water over the winter as long as they don't freeze solid.
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