has my cycle stalled

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Thanks library girl, I forgot to put in my last post that I had tested on bottled spring water and I made up a bucket of tap water and added conditioner and then tested them both. They both showed ammonia levels of 0.25ppm. I decided not to dose any more ammonia as usual and waited another 6 hours, then tested again and I am delighted to say that ammonia was at zero and ph was still 7.2
I was beginning to think I wasn't judging the colours properly, but now feel confident that I am.
I have now dosed ammonia back up to 2ppm and will check again after 24 hours.
The ammonia will be a bright "YELLOW" but sounds like you got it down right. If you think it's .25..it's .25
Sorry I have been a bit busy so haven't posted for a couple of days.
12th feb readings were ammonia = 0.5ppm, nitrite = 0.5ppm, nitrate = 120ppm and ph = 7.2
13th feb readings were ammonia = 0.25ppm, nitrite= zero, nitrate = 140ppm and ph = 7.6
Today 14th feb readings are 0.25ppm, nitrite = 1ppm, nitrate = 140ppm and ph = 7.2
Decided to do a large water change ( about 90% )as nitrates are getting high and also because I managed to get hold of seachem prime so wanted to use it, as it's highly recommended on this forum. I also added some more plants today! Hope this was right action to take!
Measured again last night at 5.30pm, a few hours after water change, and ammonia = 2ppm, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 5ppm and ph = 8
I was a bit concerned about ph, but thought I'd leave it and see what happens
Today at 12 noon the ph had dropped down to 6.6, I don't want my cycle to stall at this stage, so added half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, (which brought it back up to 7.6) as a quick fix until I get more advice from you guys.
Other readings today are-: ammonia 0.25ppm, nitrite less than 0.25ppm but not zero and nitrate = 20ppm
I dosed ammonia back up to 2ppm after water change yesterday.When I checked a hour later to make sure levels were correct I measured ph as well and it was at 8. I thought I would leave it and see how it was today.
Measurements today are-: ammonia = 0.25ppm, nitrite = less than 0.25ppm but not quite zero, nitrate = 20ppm and ph has dropped to 6.6
I don't want my cycle to stall at this late stage so I added half a level tsp of sodium bicarbonte (which brought it up to 7.6 ) as a quick fix until I get some advice from you guys.
I dosed ammonia back up to 2ppm and I also added a pinch of fish food.
If I had fish and did a pwc and ph fluctuated like that would it harm them?

Sorry for repeating myself, didn't think I had posted the previous message!!
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From 6.6 to 7.6..I believe it will shock them. I think the normal is tro increase just .03 in 24hrs.

Dont take my word for it. Just a question sorry just dont have time to go to the start of the thread. How big is your tank and what are you planning on putting in it? And after 24hrs what is your pH from the tap if you leave it out in a glass?
My tank is 90 litres, I am plannining to put in rummy nose or neon tetras, dwarf corys, cherry shrimp and maybe dwarf gourami. My tap waters ph is 7 and 6.8 after 24 hours.
I put as much crushed coral in my filter as I could fit in it and my ph seemed to have settled down until today!
Your pH will be fine for your fish. The only thing you need to worry about as of right now is just to added sodium bicarbonte to keep it stable for your fishless cycle/BB. It's dropping because your BB are eating good...:D
Your pH will be fine for your fish. The only thing you need to worry about as of right now is just to added sodium bicarbonte to keep it stable for your fishless cycle/BB. It's dropping because your BB are eating good...:D

Yeah. My water is 7.8 from the tap and gases out at 8.3. The fish do fine with it. Just make sure that the pH doesn't get too low during cycling.
Todays readings are-: ammonia looks slightly less than 0.25ppm but not zero, nitrite = zero, nitrate = 80ppm and ph = 7

I have been trying to decide what fish to get now that my cycle seems to be getting close to done, so I'm hoping you guys can give me some guidance. So many beautiful fish, I wish I could get them all. I really like the galaxy rasboras, rummynose tetras, cardinal tetras,threadfin rainbow fish, harlequin rasboras,juli corys, and dwarf corys. I would really like to get some cherry shrimp as well. I have a problem with snails, which I am trying to keep under control by manually removing them just now, but was considering getting some assassin snails wwhen I'm up and running. Lady at lfs said to get a clown loach to take care of the snail problem, but I think it would be too big for my 90 litre tank. She said they were slow growers, but I'm not happy to get fish that would get too big for tank and then have to rehome it later, as I don't think that would be fair to the fish. Any advice would be graetly appreciated!!
I wouldn't go for clown loaches, they can be a little on the sensitive side. I would get an assassin snail and a few rcs or maybe amano japonica shrimp, viper shrimp, bamboo shrimp or Singapore flower shrimp- but nitrates need to be 0, very sensitive to trAtes. Celestial pearl danios, axlerod/ galaxy/ harlequin raspbora, dwarf balloon fish of any origin... Find a fish that inspires you, research it's original wild habitat and run from there... Just a suggestion
Todays readings are-: ammonia = zero,nitrite zero, nitrate = over 80ppm but not as dark as 160ppm, ph = 7
Dosed ammonia back up to 2ppm. Should I continue dosing up to 2ppm or should I dose higher now?
Have decided to definately go for the threadfin rainbows, saw them at lfs and I really like them. Probably go for the galaxy rasboras or the rummynose tetras but can't make my mind up which of them to go for as like them both. Will definately get some dwarf corys and some rcs. Haven't decided on a centre piece fish yet! How many fish should I put in to start with, and what ones should I put in first?
Sounds great! You should probably do a big water change or two to get the nitrates down. I like your stocking plan. What size is your tank?
Todays readings are-: ammonia showing slight colour, so not quite zero, nitrite = zero, nitrates slightly darker than yesterday, ( looks like blood colour )but not much in it so I estimate about 100 - 120 ppm and ph = 7.2
Dosed mmonia aback up to 2ppm
My tank is 90 litres with 2 coconut caves covered in moss and plenty of other plants, a piece of driftwood and a piece of rock with plenty of holes in it, so I think the fish should have plenty of places to hide and explore!
Research the rummy nose tetras before you buy. It seems like I read they are nippy. For a centerpiece fish, how about an angelfish, or German blue ram, or a pearl gourami?
Thanks for that info Hholly. Think I prefer the Galaxy rasboras, but waiting to see them first as I've only seen them on internet, and lfs are getting them in soon. Lfs say rummy nose would be good for peacefull community tank Have seen the German blue ram and was seriously considering them. The Angel fish are really nice, but wouldn't they be too big for my 90 litre tank. If not too big I think I would consider an Angel fish!
I think you could do one angel. But rams would probably be better suited. Did you look at pearl gouramis? When full grown and colored up, they are stunning.
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