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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 13, 2009
Long Island, New York
I desperately need to invest in a heater this weekend for my 10-gal planted tank. I wont even waste your time telling you the pos I have but the temperature is not consistent and it becoming a problem. Has anyone ever heard of or used this?

Root Therm Substrate Aquarium Heater | Aquarium Substrate Heaters | Fish Tank Heaters | Aquarium - ThatPetPlace.com

I currently have 1 Japanese Moss Ball, 1 Spiralis, 1 Lutera, 1 Cardinal Plant and 2 bunches of anacharis.

I also have 3 neon tetras, 3 harlequin tetras, 3 glolite tetras, and 3 white cloud tetras.

you gotta rip the entire tank down to install that.

Get a marineland visi-therm STEALTH heater, they are jet black if looks is an issue.

If looks arent get a trionic heater 50w.
Substrate root heaters tend to be more expensive than normal submersible heaters. I recommend going with a 50W Visi-Therm Stealth heater. I have them on all but two of my tanks and find them to be generally reliable. Since they aren't glass they don't shatter either.
I LOVE the Stealth heaters! I had a Tetra Whisper and it is SO inconsistant, it goes from 75 to 80 deg in a day and I have to adjust it constantly. Which is why I ordered another Stealth lol. I would go with one rated for a 20-30 gallon though, and not one rated for a 10G. Just my opinion.
Substrate heaters are less about heating water and more about creating a temperature inversion layer at the bottom of the tank which theoretically helps to replenish nutrients in the substrate and combat old tank syndrome. The jury is still out i think as to whether it is effective, but I did see one interesting article in which a guy setup 2 identical tanks except one had a substrate heater. He observed conditions over a few years, and ultimately the tank with the substrate heater showed a propensity for less algae issues and better plant growth.
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