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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 4, 2004
Los Gatos CA
Hi everyone, I'm new here as you can tell. I am Mark, I'm 16 live in Los Gatos California, originally from Oakville Ontario Canada, in 10th grade yeah. I have had 1 10 gallon hex tank running for about 2 and a half years now, I have recently wanted to redo it with live plants and make it look a lot better, so I decided to join a forum to get ideas and help. I've been keeping fish since I was 10, but never have had too much success, my danios are my longest lasting fish so far had them since I got my 10 gallon hex. I also keep and breed poison dart frogs, D. Auratus and D. Azureus, and 2 golden Mantellas. You can see pictures of my frogs and trip to Costa Rica http://www.frognet.org/gallery/MarkJemison there. Avid hockey fan and am in a ska band playing trombone, I love the tropics and I think thats it![/url]

to AquariumAdvice.com!!!!!
Hi Mark! It's great to have another hockey fan with us :wink:
[center:ff023c0948]Welcome to Aquarium Advice, not-so-:n00b: [/center:ff023c0948]
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