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James From Cali

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 23, 2008
Hi everyone, just found your site today. I am on a few other sites as well that are aquarium related such as The Planted Tank, My Fish Tank, Aquatic Plant Central, and Aquarium Malta. I frequent The Planted Tank the most and the others whenever I get the urge. Now enough about that! :)

My name is James. Im 17 and homeschooled, which means alot of time on here and The Planted Tank. I am in Sacramento and use to attend the Sacramento Aquatic Plant Society but have gotten quite busy. I have Petsmart and the store Fish Planet closest to me. As far as that, I use to have worked at Fish Planet maintaining the Aquatic Plants.

Right now I am in the midst of creating biotopes. I have a 10g that measures out to 20"Lx10"Dx12"H and another 10g bowfront tankthat measures to 13.75"L(Back)/14"L(front)x13.5"Dx12.75"H. Im going to recreate a Mekong River Biotope with Betta Splendens, SAE, Slim Harlequin Rasbora, Tiger Lotus, Green Hygro, Giant Hygro, Cryptocryne crispulata, Cryptocoryne affinis, Watersprite, and Onion Plant. I also will recreate a Central American Biotope with Variatus, Guppy, Platy, and Molly.

I also have 2 Parakeets and a Cockatiel. So I hope I can elp you guys as much as I can get help from you.

Welcome to AA. We have a great planted tank section.
I would love to see pics of your tanks and your birds. I have a 27 year old CAG.
welcome! another homeschooler oh ya! 16 and homeschooled here :) I also have a cockatiel and a planted aquarium. Nice to meet you

Zagz-I will definitely post pics of my birds and my tank. Right nw my tank is not in the best condition as Im trying to create biotopes and until I get the other tank ready (which will be in a Journal for it's progress) it will look its nicest. Is that an AGP in your avatar?

Blazeyreef- Yeah homeschool is great. Unfortuantely I been spending more time with my tank and not my work haha. But new semester started and Im getting on track. BTW, nice apistogramma!

Zagz-I will definitely post pics of my birds and my tank. Right nw my tank is not in the best condition as Im trying to create biotopes and until I get the other tank ready (which will be in a Journal for it's progress) it will look its nicest. Is that an AGP in your avatar?

Blazeyreef- Yeah homeschool is great. Unfortuantely I been spending more time with my tank and not my work haha. But new semester started and Im getting on track. BTW, nice apistogramma!
Thanks LOL, I wish it were mine :(:) though I hope to have one like it soon :D
I do that all the time LOL do more fish stuff than actuall school work :silly:
I get in trouble with my mom cause if Im not doing school work Im at someone's house or at a party.
Here are my birds. Not the best pics but here they are. The Cockatiel is LeeAnn, the parakeet with darker colors is Brandon, and the other parakeet is Mellisa.





The birds are gorgeous. Yes my avatar is my 27 almost 28 year old CAGn Pepper. He is a card. I didn't realize until recently how many members have birds.
Wow, those are one of the most interesting birds to me. I have always wanted one. Eventualy I wil get one when money permits.
I was lucky, I inherited him from a family that had him for 26 years and didn't have time to spend with him anymore. His health was poor, his disposition worse. Now he is a different healthy bird. He has grown feathers back, even flight feathers. He is amazing.
I rescued my LeeAnn(Cockatiel) in the middle of winter 2006. I found her in a wet box with little food. She had no feathers and had a little crack in the beak. By last christmas she was fully back to normal. And she had bird communications as her cage is next to our parakeets.
I rescued my LeeAnn(Cockatiel) in the middle of winter 2006. I found her in a wet box with little food. She had no feathers and had a little crack in the beak. By last christmas she was fully back to normal. And she had bird communications as her cage is next to our parakeets.
found her in a wet box?(like outside on the road or?) poor thing :(
I got my baby from a family owned store. Before her I had two keets as well.
Yeah I woke up to go to school and almost tripped on the box itself. She was suffering from malnutrition. And she did not like anyone but me. I would hold her in my lap and someone would walk by and she would hiss at them and then she would get on my shoulder and make clicking noises. I had to wing her off parakeet food when I actually got some cocaktiel food- and a cage. She slept in cardboard box with sheets and a mesh screen over it so she couldnt get out, and she didnt mind.
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