Hello from tootall76

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 2, 2009
Hello peeps
New to the sight, but not fishkeeping. Been into large cichlids and catfish for a few years now and have just decided to set up a marine tank as a new year project. No doubt i'll have lots of questions to ask along the way so you might get sick of me after a while ;) Managed to purchase a 180L tank with skimmer, filter, substrate and live rock/coral from a guy for £350. Obviously i'm going to get all the water quality right before introducing any fish, but when i do are there any recommendations for such a tank? So far on my wish list are some of the blenny family, maroon clown fish and damsel fish...would i have any probs with this mix?
Thanks and i look forward to chatting with you all.
Welcome to AA! Since you've been around for a few years, I suspect you're familiar with the nitrogen cycle and water parameters and all that, but if not, check out the links in my sig and our articles section. This'll get you a good basis to get your new tank underway.
cheers, I am familier with these processes, but i'll check out the other posts anyway....there's always room to learn more :)
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