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Allen Ng

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2011
Hi All,

I am Allen from Singapore a first timer on Aquarium. At the moment, i am keeping arowana's. I have 3 Super Reds, 1 Cross Back, 1 RTG and 7 Chilli Reds. They vary from 8" to 20" in size.

I have two 4' tanks, two 5' tanks, one 6' tank, one fiber glass tank 8'X4'X4', another fiber glass tank 8'X4'X3' and a 10'X10'X4" concrete pond.

Besides arowana, i keep cat fish, gourami, rays, turtles and some other assorted fishes.

I was wondering whether anyone can advise me on my concrete pond. I have just constructed the pond but is unsure how i can treat the water. I understand that the first time i fill-up the pond, i must add salt and let it circulate for a few days. Than, i have to empty the pond and re-fill it up again. Personally, that is a lot of water to waste. Is there any other way to treat the water? Please advise if you have gone through this process before.

Thanking all in advance.
I wouldn't waste that much water either. I'm assuming your wanting the concrete to leach out what it's going to. I would run carbon then change 30 or 40 %. I'm not really sure what to even test for
Dear Bige,

Thank you for your respond. Appreciated. I will try to add carbon and than change 30 to 40% water as per your advise. I will than add some less expensive fishes into the pond to test the water.

If the fish is healthy and doesn't show any sign of distress, i will than introduce my expensive fishes in. If not, i will remove all my fishes and do a complete change of water if my less expensive fishes shows signs of distress.

Once again thanks.

Allen NG
That's what I would do. Keep us updated. I would love to see the concrete pond.

I have posted some pictures of my fishes on my gallery. Apologize for the poor quality.
Thanks Jik,

Happy that you found them nice. I am hoping that they will not fight when i try to house them together in my pond.
Thanks Bige,

My rays have given birth 3 times so far. First time was one, the second time was two and the third time was four. The babies are so cute.
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