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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 7, 2013
Milesburg, PA
Hello to all!! I had FW aquariums about 20 years ago. Recently my wife and I decided to set up a 30 gallon FW tank. We successfully setup the tank and have a blue light and glow type fish and plants, oh yea gravel too! So cool!

We found watching fish swim to be relaxing, the sound of a bubbling brook from the outside filter to be so serene. Set one up in the bedroom, now we watch fish swim and the running water sound is sleep inducing!!!

Another eye opener is how things have changed. No more air stone in a tube to draw water through under gravel filter, we now have power heads! More water displacement, more water current and NO more HMMMMMMMMM of an air filter. No more air lines! Well, almost, one small 6 inch tube from power head to add an adjustable amount of added aeration if desired. The additional knowledge of PH, Ammo, Nitrates and Nitrites; how to test and deal with each specific issue.

Where was the information technology 20 years ago! Like this site, AA? So much knowledge from experienced people! If I only had these resources available 20 years ago, I feel I would of have experienced a much lower mortality rate.

This is a great website and excited to be a member.

Thank you to all!
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