Help!! 10G ich infection. :(

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 13, 2016
Hey guys!!

I've had 5G betta tanks for years now, but this is my first community tank. I love fish and animals in general, and since my dad used to be a breeder I've always had great interest in them. But I always seem to have bad luck with my fish tanks. :(

I moved to another country and finally managed to buy a 10G from craigslist for only $20, including fish, (terrible combination), filter and submersible heater. Water is constantly at 78 degrees.

10 Gallons
1 Flame Gourami
1 Wild Blue Ram
3 Neon Tetras
2 Panda Cories
4 Diamond Tetras (glow fish)

I just noticed a week later a few ich spots on some fish.

Any advice regarding my stocking issue or ich outbreak? :face palm:

Just did 25% water change, adding new water in slowly with ich guard and removed carbon filter insert.

Cant wait to meet you all! :wave:

Welcome to the forum :)

Sounds like your well advanced down the meds road. How are the fish going? I'm assuming that's a malachite green / formalin treatment (?), in which case increasing aeration can also be handy during treatment to maintain oxygen levels.
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