Help! Coral emergency!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 12, 2012
When moving my small torch coral up today I didn't realize my own strength and accidentally pulled it so a few cm of its skeleton was still stuck on the putty on the rock!! I covered the exposed new base with putty immediately, and placed it higher but all the polyps retracted immediately. Am I screwed?
I think it should be fine. As long as the tissue isn't damaged. They retract when disturbed or moved, at night, etc. so that's normal.
It should be fine if you didn't damage any of the soft tissues, even then it would heal. They retract with any disturbance, it is why I don't recommend allowing clownfish to try to host in them. Unlike most soft octocorals where many don't retract when disturbed, the attention of a clown fish can really spoil a torch corals day.
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