Help! First ich breakout and...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 2, 2004
Kansas City
I've had a 90 gallon tank running for about one year. It was running perfectly with 2 anemones (pink and bubble tip) and one each of:
V. Lionfish
Longnose Hawkfish
Tomato Clown
Emperor Angel
Clown Trigger (see below)
a leftover damsel

So I introduced a Powder Blue Tang 2 days ago, and it appeared very healthy at the time. When I got home from work today it was loaded with ich. I moved the anemones out and have started treatment with Rid-Ich (formaldehyde, formalin and malachite green). I am wondering if anyone has used this same stuff and, if so, what kind of success have you had? All of my fish are young - about 18" total.

On a side note... After cycling the tank I took out all but one damsel and brought in the trigger and clown. After about a month the trigger developed some type of infection on his eye. It looked like a real small spot of cotton about the size of half a pea. It went away in about a week and I thought all was good. Now (about 8 months later), as far as I can tell, he is about 90 percent blind. He goes to the top when I throw flakes in there and darts in the general direction, but instead of stopping and inhaling it like he used to he blows right by and runs full speed into a rock or the side of the tank! He will eat if I put food on the end of a stick and hold it in front of him for awhile, but he gets nothing from a normal feeding. Any ideas here?

Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia are always 0 or very close, S.G. at 1.23, P.h. at 8.2, RO/DI water.

Any suggestions/ideas welcome!
Treating the main huh, hmm... Any live rock or other inverts in this tank?
PBT are very prone to Ich. They should always be QT'd before going into the main tank. Lessons learned (the hard way) :(

You may want to read this article on marine Ich.

I would suggest treating in a QT tank with Cupramine® copper treatment and maintain a concentration of .30 ppm for at least three weeks. You might also want add some garlic juice or Garlic Xtreme to help with appetite and strengthen the fish natural defenses.
cmor1701d said:
Cupramine® copper treatment and maintain a concentration of .30 ppm for at least three weeks.
Cupramine should be maintained at 0.5 ppm (mg/l) for best results unless dealing with extremely sensitive fish. It can be used at lower concentrations but should not fall below 0.4 ppm (mg/l).

Steve is correct. Sorry for the mis-information. Eye Dr. cancelled on me yesterday and I don't get my new contacts till Tuesday now :lol:
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately the tang met his maker last night. Except for a general lack of appetite which I'm guessing is stress related everyone else seems to be doing better.
Except for a general lack of appetite which I'm guessing is stress related everyone else seems to be doing better.
May or may not be. Could be parasitic, keep a close eye.
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