Help How do I Stop a killer fish ?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 17, 2003
Lompoc, Ca
I have a Neon pseudo and he's fine with all other tank mates. I try to add something new.. And he kills them. Added a Rainsford goby to get my sand cleaned up and he was dead in 4 hours. Then I bought a pair of Twin spot signal gobies, and now they are missing. I hope thay are hiding but the lack of hermit crabs in the front of the tank usually means lunch behind some rocks somewhere else ! :(

I do NOT want another yellow head sleeper, they are HORRIBLE !

Any ideas?
I know it's not like this species to do this !
Pseudochromises bully gobies. Gobies are rather passive fish while, as you've unfortunately discovered, pseudochromises aren't. You'll have to either pull the pseudochromis out of your tank or drop the goby getting idea. Or this could be a great excuse to set up another aquarium for more passive fishes :)
PS. i love gobies which is why i don't have any pseudochromises.
jester said:
what is wrong with the yellow head sleeper i like mine just wndering

because the one I had picked up all the sand from the back of my tank till it was bare glass and dumped it to the front. THEN he started grabbing sand then swimming to the top of the tank and dumping his load from the top and covering all my LR and clam with sand. HE later died of starvation :( cleaned a 60 gallon tank 4 inch sand bed ! would not eat anything else !
myy golden head eats frozen brine algee just about whatever i [ut in the tank but ya he does move alot of sand around but i like watching him so it then i just take my algee scraper and dust off my corals he covered lol
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