Help I can not figure this out, about tanks

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Help! I can not figure this out, about tanks. I have two 6.5 gallon tanks. I use the same water in both tanks, but when it comes to Nitrate readings it is not the same. My one betta tank never has a problem with nitrate, where as my other tank has problems with Nitrates. Same tanks, same water.. I use in both tanks. (y)
What fish etc do you have is each tank ?
Any aquarium must be a good mini ecological sys for your fish life and this should include some real plants. :)

BTW, do not confuse Nitrite with Nitrate
A proper tank will always have some Nitrate

Nitrate is not nearly as toxic to fish as Nitrite, unless the Nitrate is in very high levels.
Some water changes will bring down a nitrate level.
What fish etc do you have is each tank ?

I have two betta in separate tank. I used to have small cory fish, but I put them in my 40 gallon. I would include plants, However, I do not know how to take care of real life plants. Do I just buy the plant and stick it in sand? I have sand in all my tanks.
What fish etc do you have is each tank ?
Any aquarium must be a good mini ecological sys for your fish life and this should include some real plants. :)

BTW, do not confuse Nitrite with Nitrate
A proper tank will always have some Nitrate

Nitrate is not nearly as toxic to fish as Nitrite, unless the Nitrate is in very high levels.
Some water changes will bring down a nitrate level.

As of right now. I have 0 Nitrate for all my tanks. I have 3 tanks btw. I also have 0 ammonia for all my tanks. I have the tanks for along time, so the tanks should be cycled by now. I will keep doing the wc every week, for my betta tanks. I used to be confused about the Nitrate, and Nitrite, but not any more. (y)
Is this good, or bad?

I checked my Nitrite and all tanks were at 0 ppm
All Ammonia is 0 for all tanks
Nitrate is at 0 for all tanks.
Is this good, or bad?
I checked my Nitrite and all tanks were at 0 ppm
All Ammonia is 0 for all tanks
Nitrate is at 0 for all tanks.
Is this good, or bad?
It's not good, it's GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y):dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::D but it won't stay that way because at some point your nitrate pads will stop working and the natural biological system will result in nitrates. The key is to keep them low. If you don't use nitrate removers, the way to keep them low is through water changes. A.K.A " Dilution is the solution." (y)(y)
Thank you, thank you very much. :dance::dance::dance::thanks:
I have enough nitrate pads for about a month. I just cut to size and place in
my filter. I did order some more pads. I do not want to run out. I will do wC every week, just incase the Nitrates decide to come back.
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