Help in choosing new additions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 23, 2011
Hello, I currently have a tank containing temperate fish which is at room temperature. I do own a heater but it's not in the tank... I'm hoping someone may be able to suggest the right temp?

The tank contains one zebra and one pearl Danio, three variatus platies (all female) two Chinese algae eaters (one golden) and a temperate shrimp.

My tank is 105l and I would like suggestions for some new fish? I'm also not sure how many fish are suitable for a tank of this size?

I know cloud minnows and rosy barbs are two other temperates that pets at home sell, but are they suitable for the tank... I'm also considering a male platy to encourage some fry?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!
you should think about filling out the danio school. most ppl suggest about 6 minimum in a school
and also for anyone that is wondering 105L~27 us gallons
Thanks, i was thinking of adding a few that after some research but wasn't sure about how many fish i could have. Could I have different danios such as the long finned? Or should they all be the same as the two I have for them to school?
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