I have a 125 gal. setup. Am running two HOT Pro canister filters w/Bio-wheel filters. No under gravel filter. Have pea sized gravel substrait. Recenty switched from a discus to an angelfish populatiom. 9 quarter sized angeles,8 dwarf gourami, 4 med. Bala sharks, and 3 african breed catfish (brown w/white spots) I had an old peice of driftwood but replaced it with a new smaller peice when this first happened. I change out my plastic plants for live when I made the switch. I have 3 med. swordleaf and 4 java fern plants some petrafied wood and slate rock to build caves.
Well a blackish looking mold or algae started forming all over everything ecsept the fish. I did a full clean scrubbing all the rocks, vacuming all gravel, wipintg down all sides of glass, and cleaning the filters. All was well for a few days till the black stuff started coming back. This is not BBA it is very short like common green algae
Please help if you can!
Well a blackish looking mold or algae started forming all over everything ecsept the fish. I did a full clean scrubbing all the rocks, vacuming all gravel, wipintg down all sides of glass, and cleaning the filters. All was well for a few days till the black stuff started coming back. This is not BBA it is very short like common green algae
Please help if you can!