Help my poor clownloach

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 3, 2024
Not sure what’s going on all my water perimeters are perfect. Tank has been set up for five years. Had the Loches just as long, but one of them is sick and I have no idea what it is. He’s breathing fast here are pics. White raised bumps pretty sure it’s not Ike Ty for the help.IMG_6531.jpegIMG_6549.jpeg
Oh shoot 2 weeks ago 3 baby Cory cats . If that’s the case are my other clown loaches going to be in trouble and if yes, what should I do? Cause I know you just can’t put any medicine in there because the loaches are skin and not scale.
Oh shoot 2 weeks ago 3 baby Cory cats . If that’s the case are my other clown loaches going to be in trouble and if yes, what should I do? Cause I know you just can’t put any medicine in there because the loaches are skin and not scale.
It actually looks like the beginnings of Epistylis which is a parasite that lives on the fish but feeds on the bacteria on the fish ( versus say Ick which feeds on the fish itself). Are your other fish in danger? YES, because once this parasite is in the water, it will find a host to attach to.
The best way of treating this is to add an antibiotic to the fish's food. Kanaplex is the most available antibiotic to mix with frozen foods. What happens is when the antibiotic kills off the bacteria on the fish, the parasites starve and die off. This is the page with directions how to make medicated food: Seachem - KanaPlex ( It's listed under the " directions" tab.
For future reference, it has become more and more important to quarantine all new fish no matter where they come from for at least 30 days to help prevent sick fish from being introduced into your healthy main tank. (y)
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