HELP!!! Naso is infected with something NASTY!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 1, 2006
Houston, TX, USA
I came home today and my newly added Naso (4 days ago) has something really nasty on its head. When I first added it, that patch was just a black area. I thought it was just a stress mark. Last night the patch still looked black but darker (i think). Today, that patch "puffed" up and it looks like bubbles are under the fish's skin.

Here are some pictures:





What is this disease? How can I treat him? :eek2: :confused:

Pull him out and place him in a quarantine tank. This is the reason why they should be mandatory. Could be several different things but I will differ to the experts.
The naso doesn't have ick. Those small white patches are its stress marks.

So far after a brief research, I "think" it has cauliflower infection but I'm not too sure. If it is truely cauliflower, it is recommended to leave the infection alone til it heals itself.

I won't do anything hasty 'til the specific disease is identified, don't worry.

Thanks for the responses though!
If its to heal by itself then you`ll need to do some frequent PWC`s to be sure of excellent water conditions. Good Luck on that one FF. That`s a bad spot on him.
I've seen Turbellarian Infection (Black Ick) before and this fish definitely does not have that. The patch is huge. The disease that I'm thinking about is named Lymphocystis. It sounds very familiar to what my fish is having.
Lymphocystis is more typically found on the fins, and is rarely the outward cause of death.
It looks more like a fungal or bacterial, more than viral infection. Sorry for your loss.
Turbellarian Infection in its final stages, resembles that. Big huge bacterial infected sores.
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