Help on a hambuger mattenfilter

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 2, 2008
I am trying to find something in English to explain how to make a hamburger mattenfilter. I have found all types of things in German even wikipedia doesn't have it in English Hamburger Mattenfilter – Wikipedia It looks like a simple set up that would work for a corner tank and a lot cheaper than a canister filter. It will hide the heater, and anything I am going to be using for CO2.
I plan on using a hagen aquaclear powerhead 50 since the tank will be an understocked 45 gallon. To hold the filter in place I plan to use a plexi base with a frame around it to hold the filter sponge in place, make it removeable for easy cleaning.
This guy carries the DIY a little bit far but this is basically what I am looking to do Drei-Eck-Aq Eigenbau - Aquarium-Stammtisch with a tank and stand off CL.
Thanks that is what I am looking for something that I can actually understand with good pictures.

The second one I found but that math formula scares me!!
I used to have a tank with one of those. they do work pretty well.
I used the type where the whole end of the tank has the pad, not the corner.

What will happen in time, is the foam gets clogged, and the mat will be drawn to the end of the tank and after a while sucked tight up against it as the water is pumped from behind it faster than the tank water can be pulled into it.
(make sense? LOL)

For a while, this is fine. it makes a great biofilter and crud trap.

The horror show is when you have to clean the pad out.
take my advice, use a set of BBQ tongs and a pressure washer.

wringing it out by hand is just.... blech.
I figure it will be the same as cleaning the bio fliter on a HOB. I am thinking of building a frame of plexi to hold the sponge foam stuff in. I am having problems trying to rig up the DIY CO2 in the thing. I know there has to be a way I just haven't figured it all out yet.

It has to be better than cleaning UGF, when they were the new thing I thought it was great until I had to clean one. It has cleaning out the car after a drive with pony in the back seat beat!! Just to clear it up it was a bug with the back seat removed. The fun I had as a kid lol.
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