Help planning planted aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 3, 2013
Tampa, FL
Currently I have a 25 gal tall tank. I am running a fluval c3 hob filter. I just bought a new t5 fixture with ho capabilities currently it has 2 24 w t5 6500k lights in it. I have the capability for co2 injection.

With this being said what kind of plants could I plant my tank is 48" tall.

Any help is appreciated.
Currently I have a 25 gal tall tank. I am running a fluval c3 hob filter. I just bought a new t5 fixture with ho capabilities currently it has 2 24 w t5 6500k lights in it. I have the capability for co2 injection.

With this being said what kind of plants could I plant my tank is 48" tall.

Any help is appreciated.

Wow... can I see a picture of the tank? Do my eyes deceive me? 48" tall?!? That's a super tall tank! What is it a column tank or something?
Wow... can I see a picture of the tank? Do my eyes deceive me? 48" tall?!? That's a super tall tank! What is it a column tank or something?

I hope it's a misprint. Getting light to the bottom of a 48" deep tank would be a pain.
Ohhh boy yeah I gusse my phone decided it is 48 " but in real life not iPhone world it's only 24 in my b
That lighting will allow you to grow most any plants except some of the high light carpet plants. In my one 55g with a 2 bulb T5HO fixture I grow most of the same plants I do in my very high light 220 and they do still get decent color even. I do use Geisemann bulbs which I believe helps.
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