Help please - deaths in my new tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 5, 2011
I need some advice as 2 of my neons have died in the last 24 hours. Neither of them looked or acted ill beforehand.
I have a new tank which I had on a fishless cycle for 4 weeks (190 litres). I used prime to take the chlorine out of the water and used bacterlife to kick start my filter as advised.
I took a water sample to the aquarium shop before I bought fish to make sure it was ok and I was assured it was fine. Ph was at 7, ammonia 0.25, nitrate is 0, nitrite is 0 and water temperature is at 26.5. I have live plants, wood and rocks in tank.
What should I do ? Please help?


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Scottishnewbie said:
I need some advice as 2 of my neons have died in the last 24 hours. Neither of them looked or acted ill beforehand.
I have a new tank which I had on a fishless cycle for 4 weeks (190 litres). I used prime to take the chlorine out of the water and used bacterlife to kick start my filter as advised.
I took a water sample to the aquarium shop before I bought fish to make sure it was ok and I was assured it was fine. Ph was at 7, ammonia 0.25, nitrate is 0, nitrite is 0 and water temperature is at 26.5. I have live plants, wood and rocks in tank.
What should I do ? Please help?

Sorry about the loss, it's always tough.

I'd have to say because you have no nitrAtes (no3), your tank hasn't completed its cycle. I'd suggest you also get your own test kit (API FW Master test kit is my preference).

I take it you have fish still and a PWC of 50% is going to help them a lot. Keeping the ammo <.25%ppm and nitrItes (no2) as close ot 0ppm as possible is good too.

Here's a couple links, the first one is for fish in cycling and the second is if you can return the remaining fish and complete the cycle fishless.

Keep us posted!
Thank you.
I've just done another set of water tests.
Results are ph 7
Nitrites 0.5
Nitrates 7
Ammonia <0.3
Are they really bad results?
You are showing nitrites and ammonia, they are toxic to fish and you want to keep the levels under .25 ppm when the tank finishes the cycle they will be 0 and will stay there. You need to do about a 75% water changes right away, and you need to test and do changes as needed.
Scottishnewbie said:
Thank you.
I've just done another set of water tests.
Results are ph 7
Nitrites 0.5
Nitrates 7
Ammonia <0.3
Are they really bad results?

Those numbers are quite a bit different from the others, did you test it yourself?

A 50% PWC will bring the ammo and no2 down, but it's good to see the no3 coming around (y). Daily testing and PWC's will be something to keep up on until the numbers stabilize.
Yes I've just done the tests myself. I put in fish on Sunday morning so would that gave made the difference as tank was empty before?
Scottishnewbie said:
Yes I've just done the tests myself. I put in fish on Sunday morning so would that gave made the difference as tank was empty before?

Yes, the fish waste is adding ammo to the water and it seems like the bacterlife seeded your tank since the no2 came in so quick. Is that all you added in the 4 week time period and are you still adding it in?

Read the link on cycling with fish I posted, keep up on testing/PWC and you should be OK.
I did a small pwc this morning and added some more. Will test again tomorrow. Thank you for helping me!
I have an established coldwater tank with blackmoors in it. Would taking some water from that tank into my new tropical tank help the filter and the nitrite levels?
I have these little plastic looking ball things in my cold water tank can I put them in the tropical one to help the filter? Sorry I'm being a pain...
If you mean to say you have bio balls from an established tank then yes they should help. Bring them up to temp slowly as if you were acclimating fish as to not shock the bacteria too much with the temp shock either. A 15-30 min slow temp rise should work.
Scottishnewbie said:
I have an established coldwater tank with blackmoors in it. Would taking some water from that tank into my new tropical tank help the filter and the nitrite levels?

The water won't, but filter media, decco, or some gravel (in a mesh bag) will.
I took a water sample to an aquarium shop and not pets at home who im beginning to think aren't as good as they first seem. Water us fine with no ammonia, ph fine and nitrate and nitrite levels bang on! He tested calcium hardness etc too and all was good... So pleased
Now the proud owner of a small plec that will look after the dw in the tank and doesn't grow too big...
Getting fighter in next week or so - they are keeping the one I like for me so I dont overload my tank.
Today's problem is brown stuff lying on top of my sand! It's everywhere! Would it be my plecs rasping bits off the wood in the tank or is it some kind of algae?
What should I do?
it could be algae, could just be detritus from the fish. BA (diatoms) is common to new tanks, here's a link to help ID it: Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association » Algae in the Planted Aquarium

Do you use a vacuum to do PWC's? If so, rubber band a toothpick to the end and lightly stir the sand while vacuuming and it should suck the gunk/BA up with it. Here's what I use in my tanks with sand: Cool Tools: Share Your Aquatic/Non-Aquatic finds with AA - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community
Thank you I will try that tomorrow! There was nothing there yesterday and the sand was almost covered and the leaves of my plants tonight.
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