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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2005
I need help! I have a 125 gallon freshwater tank, which has been extremely healthy for the fish. Recently I added plants, with 384 watt light, CO2 injection, timers, and so on. Added plants. I had a major algae growth, which was cured with Algae Fix for planted tanks. Plants did not look well, excessive algae growth again, and a high nitrate level. I did 3 partial water changes with in a week adding SeaChem's Neutral Regulator. Nitrate level down to 20. Greenish cloudy water returned. Added two doses of Algae Fix within a week. Water still cloudy. Added two doses of cloudy water clarifier. Water still cloudy. Right now I am in completing a 4 day blackout, with CO2 off. But now this week my fish are dying. Monday I lost 6 fish in one day and so far have lost 12 or more fish this week. Both fish and plants are dying. I have a pH of 7.0, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and still about 20 nitrate. What is wrong? What can I do? I am planning on another partial water change today, but what else?
You might have created a situation where the tank now has very low oxygen. Have you added any aeraton?
I think I'm going to go out and buy a pump and see if that helps. May run the pump at night also. I'll need to check with the plant gurus. Any other ideas?
First stop using all those chemicals. You have a lot of light on that tank. Are you dosing any fertilizers? I imagine the green water is coming from a nutrient imbalance as well as the reason the plants are not doing well. Also don't use the chemicals for PH balance you do not need them. What are the KH and GH levels and do you have a phosphate test?

As for the fish all that algaecide is probably not helping. How are the fish behaving before they die? Showing any unusual behavior, marks etc.?
There are several threads on this same subject....moderators may want to delete a couple of them so people can answer to only one. Its getting confusing with people answering more than one of these same threads. :)

In the thread will do it. :)
I do not like to use chemicals at all, with the exception of Stress Coat at water changes. If my pH needs a boost, which in Arkansas it does, I use baking soda. I have gotten some good advice on the plants page, but so far this page is the only one giving me advice on the fish. Fish are my first priority, I've lost many fish this week, and need to get that under control. The fish are looking better today, thought I was going to have some more deaths; last night several, although still alive, were lying on the bottom on their side (no deaths today). Maybe my CO2 was high and O2 was low, and during the 4 day blackout, maybe O2 came back up and CO2 went down. Today, my CO2 is 10pmm, which I understand is in the recommended range. My GH is 3 and my KH is 2. No I do not have a phosphate test. This has not been a good aquarium week at my house and I've gotten frustrated not knowing what to do, especially with the fish deaths.
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