Help, Trying to keep fry alive!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 25, 2009
Relocated to St. Louis with job. From NYC and soon
I started a 30 gallon tank 12 days ago with 1 black molly and 1 dalmatian molly, both females. After the 1st day, the dalmatian molly gave birth to 14 fry. The problem is the tank has not cycled yet and I'm concerned the fry wont make it. They look okay and they are eating. Out of the 14, 3 don't look well. They're smaller than the others. Any suggestions would be great. The number are:

Ammonia - .5 (i do 15% water changes everyday but the ammonia is not going down. It's always .5. I'm definitely not over feeding.)
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
PH - 7.3
PH of Tap about 7.6
Test Kit is Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Fresh water.
Note: The store suggested adding about 2 or 3 teaspoons of aquarium salt every 3rd water change. I also added 30mil of API bio-start. I'm supposed to add it again on day 14, any feelings on this?

Thank you for any help. I am new to this.
keep using the bacteria supplement.. use some prime to help with the ammonia, keep up the water changes, salt wont really do anything for you.
Please read the cycling with fish link in my signature. There is some really good information in that thread. It may help. The fry are very fragile. You will have to be very diligent to save them I think.
if you are concerned about the fry dying i would do a larger WC to bring the ammonia levels down (about 50%)

Make sure that the new water is the same temperature as the tank to reduce any stress.

You can also try adding some gravel or decoration from a well established tank (maybe a friend or LFS) or some sponge squeezes to speed up your cycle

Hope this helps
if you are concerned about the fry dying i would do a larger WC to bring the ammonia levels down (about 50%)

Make sure that the new water is the same temperature as the tank to reduce any stress.

You can also try adding some gravel or decoration from a well established tank (maybe a friend or LFS) or some sponge squeezes to speed up your cycle

Hope this helps

I'm sorry but I am new to this, what is a sponge squeeze?
He means getting bacteria from someones established filter and squeezing it out into your tank to help your bacteria colony start to grow. If you do this make sure you transport it to your house in a bucket of their tank water to keep it alive.
You're welcome. Hope they will be ok. You are in a tough spot. Keep us posted. And ask any questions you need to.
I started a 30 gallon tank 12 days ago with 1 black molly and 1 dalmatian molly, both females. After the 1st day, the dalmatian molly gave birth to 14 fry. The problem is the tank has not cycled yet and I'm concerned the fry wont make it. They look okay and they are eating. Out of the 14, 3 don't look well. They're smaller than the others. Any suggestions would be great. The number are:

Ammonia - .5 (i do 15% water changes everyday but the ammonia is not going down. It's always .5. I'm definitely not over feeding.)
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
PH - 7.3
PH of Tap about 7.6
Test Kit is Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Fresh water.
Note: The store suggested adding about 2 or 3 teaspoons of aquarium salt every 3rd water change. I also added 30mil of API bio-start. I'm supposed to add it again on day 14, any feelings on this?

Thank you for any help. I am new to this.

I used fry to cycle a 5g tank. Mainly because 2 other guppies were about to drop and I needed the breeding trap. I was trying to balance saving everyone. I always planned on using the 5g to grow them out.SO I took the plunge and put my first 60 fry in. I was doing 50% changes to get the ammonia down because as mentioned somewhere on here to high and the ammonia can kill the bacteria you are trying to grow. I think 5 is ok though

I used plenty of bottled bacteria too.

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